EBay Desktop is a free application to be used as an interface to our eBay account , it helps us to search items, bid them and proceed with online purchase without accessing the eBay website. This application came in an .air package; previously you need to be registered with adobe for the installations of this type of files, but now you need to install Adobe Air to proceed with the installation of this package.
It came with multiple options, to improve our interaction with eBay. Search feeds, item reminders, outbid reminders, special filters are some of the new options that will help in the bids and the price of products, to be sure that we are going to get the desired article.
The last version available of this software is the version 1.06, it has a better interaction than our explorer, meaning that we do not need to refresh the pages to have the real time of the bids. You can get the software and more information about it directly from the eBay Website.
If you are an eBayer, I recommend you to use eBay Desktop it would be an unforgettable experience.
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